Nuclear Energy Caucus

Nuclear Caucus Chairs Issue Statement on Announcement of Closure of Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station

(HARRISBURG) – Senators Ryan Aument (R-36) and John Yudichak (D-14) along with Representatives Becky Corbin (R-155) and Rob Matzie (D-16), who co-chair the Pennsylvania General Assembly’s Nuclear Energy Caucus, issued the following statement regarding the announcement that Exelon Corporation will be closing the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station.

“Today’s announcement confirms what we have suspected for many months – that there are serious and consequential underlying issues in Pennsylvania’s energy sector that must be addressed. 

The premature closure of the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station will mean a significant loss of family-sustaining jobs, high capacity baseload clean energy, and the many direct and indirect economic benefits that surround the production of electricity from a nuclear power plant.

As state lawmakers, we take seriously our obligation to set energy policies that help promote Pennsylvania’s economy.  We equally are concerned about meeting the Commonwealth’s environmental goals.  The closure of Three Mile Island will make meeting these challenges even more difficult.

One of our top priorities in creating the Nuclear Energy Caucus was to focus on the value that each energy resource offers Pennsylvania and our citizens.  We remain committed to that goal and will continue to invite all members of the General Assembly to participate in this important discussion so that together, we can advance policies that promote long-term economic, environmental and consumer benefits.

Today, however, we are mindful of how difficult this news is for the many workers and their families who are effected, as well as the communities in central Pennsylvania that will be directly impacted.”

CONTACT:  Jake Smeltz (717-787-4420)           

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