Nuclear Energy Caucus

Value of Nuclear Power to Pennsylvania Labor

Nuclear Energy Caucus

Wednesday, May 23, 2018 | 8:00 a.m.

East Wing, Hearing Room 8E-A

Value of Nuclear Power to Pennsylvania Labor

7:30 AM – Breakfast

7:55 AM – Welcome and Co-Chair Introductions
Senator Ryan Aument
Senator John Yudichak
Representative Becky Corbin
Representative Rob Matzie

8:00 AM – Impact of Nuclear Power Production on Pennsylvania’s Labor Force – Statewide Perspective
Martin Williams, Business Manager Boilermakers Local 13

8:20 AM – Impact of Nuclear Power Production on Pennsylvania’s Labor Force – Local Perspectives
Joe Gusler, President
Central Pennsylvania Building & Construction Trades Council

Kris Anderson, International Representative
IBEW Third District

Steve Knoebel, President

9:-00 AM – Conclusion

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